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Sonic is preparing for Christmas cheers with a new cheesy offering on its menu. The Oklahoma-based fast food chain is introducing the new Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich, which is a twist on the original grilled sandwiches.

Sonic is preparing for Christmas cheers with a new cheesy offering on its menu. The Oklahoma-based fast food chain is introducing the new Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich, which is a twist on the original grilled sandwiches.

Starting December 26, 2022, the fast food chain is adding a classic and spicy version of the new sandwich to its menu. Those who want to try out the latest addition earlier can get it from December 19 onwards when they place an order through the chain's app.

The new sandwich will be joining the chain's line of grilled sandwiches, and will be available for a suggested price of $4.99.

Sōnic's new Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese sandwich (Image via Sōnic)

The fast-food chain took to its website to announce the new launch, with Mackenzie Gibson, Vice President of Culinary & Menu Innovation, saying:

“A grilled cheese sandwich is the ultimate comfort food, and our SONIC culinary team has crafted a hearty twist on the wintertime staple with the new Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese.”

All you need to know about the Sonic Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese sandwich

Serving Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for the last few decades, Sonic has taken a major step by combining some of the most beloved American flavors of steak and bacon into everyone's favorite grilled cheese sandwiches.

Giving a short brief about the new sandwich, the VP of Culinary & Menu Innovation for the brand said:

“By combining the ooey, gooey cheesiness of a traditional grilled cheese with deliciously seasoned grilled steak and crispy bacon, we’ve delivered an elevated sandwich and proven once again that SONIC is the go-to destination to satisfy any craving, any time!”

If you were wondering what's so special about the new Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese sandwich, then read along:

Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Classic

Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Classic (Image via Sonic)

The Classic Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich is made for steak lovers.

As per the official description, the sandwich features grilled steak along with grilled onions, and comes topped with crispy bacon, BBQ sauce, mayo, and two layers of melted American cheese, served between two thick slices of Texas toast. Available at a suggested price of $4.99, the new grilled cheese sandwich carries 830 calories.

Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Spicy

Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich - Spicy (Image via Sonic)

Similar to the Classic Steak and Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich, the spicy version comes with grilled steak, grilled onions, crispy bacon, mayo, and two layers of melted American cheese, all sandwiched between two thick slices of Texas toast.

Adding an extra kick of heat to the sandwich, the fast-food chain has added a spicy cheese sauce and jalapeños in place of the BBQ sauce. Customers can try out the extra hot grilled cheese sandwich at a suggested price of $4.99. It carries around 890 calories.

Though the new grilled sandwiches will be available in restaurants starting December 26, app users can enjoy early access to the sandwich starting December 19 at limited participating locations.

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