Former MMA fighter Claudia Gadelha once left a thirsty comment on Brian Ortega's picture, which left the MMA world in shock.
Back in 2018, Ortega posted a picture of himself with long brown hair on Instagram. The picture certainly impressed Gadelha, who couldn't help herself and left a rather flirty comment on the post. She said:
"I would make a baby with you"Take a look at Brian Ortega's post below:
Claudia Gadelha made her MMA debut in 2008 under the Force Fighting Championship banner and secured a win against Elaine Leite. After competing under various promotions and taking her MMA record to 11-0, Gadelha finally got the opportunity to compete in the biggest MMA promotion in the world, UFC.
Gadelha marked her UFC debut with a win against Tina Lahdemaki in 2014. After fighting under the promotion for six years, she decided to walk away from the sport in 2020 with an overall MMA record of 18-5.
Brian Ortega boasts about leaving ex-girlfriend Tracy Cortez
UFC featherweight contender Brian Ortega recently made a bold statement about his ex-girlfriend Tracy Cortez. 'T-City' took to Twitter to assert that he intentionally broke up with Cortez and dismissed the notion of "fumbling" his relationship with her.
Interestingly, this comes after UFC middleweight Paulo Costa posted a picture with Tracy Cortez. The same led to fans talking about how Ortega fumbled his relationship with Cortez. Responding to the same, Ortega said:
"Everyone out here talking bout I fumbled. Y’all must not know the rules of the game. When you drop the ball on accident, that’s a fumble, but when you throw it away on purpose, that’s called a complete pass. Top G sh*t!"Take a look at his tweet below:
The two publicly came forward with their relationship in 2020. Since then, Ortega and Cortez were seen appearing together on a number of occasions. Moreover, rumors of their engagement also started to circulate after she was spotted wearing a ring.
However, Brian Ortega and Tracy Cortez have ended their relationship. Earlier this year, they deleted all images of each other from their respective social media accounts and Cortez reverted to using her original name, Trazy R. Cortez instead of Tracy R. Ortega.
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