In an episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience," Joe Rogan revealed that he grew up with an abusive father. "All my damage s*** came from my real father before I was seven ... My real father was crazy. He was like a psychotic person," Rogan shared. He described his father as a "big, scary, crazy cop from New Jersey" who was physically abusive to his mother and other family members.
Rogan detailed how his father encouraged violence over crying when he was upset. "One time I had a fight with my cousin because I liked King Kong and he liked Godzilla ... My dad pulled me aside, pulled me in a room, shut the door. I'll never forget this because I was five years old," he described. His father asked him what happened and said, "You didn't cry, did you?" Rogan told him he didn't, and his dad patted him on the head and left. Growing up with his stepfather, whom he called a "hippie," taught him there was another side to life. "All of a sudden, I'm living with this hippie guy in San Francisco, and it's like peace and love," he shared.
Rogan married Jessica Ditzel in 2009 and gained a stepdaughter as a result, per Parade. They went on to have two girls of their own, and now that Rogan is a father, he tries to be the best role model for his three kids.