Top 3 ways to earn Builder Gold in Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is a SuperCell-owned online strategy game where players assault opposing bases while building their own defenses. Following the success of the Clash of Clans Home Base, the game developers produced the Builder Base, which is a real-time attack game similar to Clash Royale.

Clash of Clans is a SuperCell-owned online strategy game where players assault opposing bases while building their own defenses. Following the success of the Clash of Clans Home Base, the game developers produced the Builder Base, which is a real-time attack game similar to Clash Royale.

Even though fighting is the essential game feature, one of the most exciting aspects of building one's base is creating and upgrading structures.

In Clash of Clans, gold is required to construct and improve constructions. This is the case for both bases. As gold is so valuable, we'll go through the top three ways to get Builder Gold in this article.

Clash of Clans: 3 effective ways to earn Builder Gold

1) Gold Mine

The Builder Base Gold Mine (Image via Sportskeeda)

The Gold Mine harvests Builder Gold from an endless subsurface supply and stores it until the player collects it and places it in the Gold Storage. Players can unlock the Gold Mine at Builder Hall level 2.

The Gold Mine's level determines the output rate and storage capacity. By glancing at the cart on the right side of the mine, one can find an estimate of the number of resources in the mine. The Gold Mine has a maximum capacity of 96000 Builder Gold and a production rate of 4000 Gold per hour.

2) Versus Battle rewards

Versus Battle rewards in Clash of Clans (Image via Sportskeeda)

The Builder Base's Versus Battle is a game mode in which two players assault each other's builder base in real-time. When you win a Versus Battle, you get resource rewards. Players must win battles to earn Builder Gold. Builder Gold and Elixir are awarded to players after each combat.

The amount of Builder Gold a player can earn depends upon the trophy count. A player can earn loot from a maximum of six attacks a day, after which the player has to depend upon other sources of loot or wait for the timer to reset.

3) Season Challenges

Season Challenges are in-game tasks that players must complete to earn special rewards. All Town Hall level 7 and higher players are eligible to participate in Season Challenges.

They're similar to Clan Games, however instead of the Clan as a whole, each player earns rewards for themselves. Each activity must be completed independently.

Season Challenge tasks reward players with a lot of Builder Gold and Elixir in addition to their home base Elixir and Gold. Builder Gold Ruin may also be earned, which adds Builder Gold to the Gold Storage when used.

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